Jinan Yuesao analysis should eat more foods rich in minerals, especially iron and calcium-rich foods. Iron-rich foods are animal liver, spinach and egg yolk, animal liver contains heme iron, folic acid and vitamins, iron supplementation is the better choice of the third trimester. Calcium-rich foods are fish, shrimps and shrimp and so on.
Jinan Yuesao talked to increase protein intake to prevent postpartum hemorrhage, increased milk yield.
Jinan Yuesao remind should add essential fatty acids and DHA, DHA is the fetal brain, eye development and maintenance of the normal function of the required nutrients, the body can not synthesize and must be obtained from food. Higher levels of DHA in fish, mothers should eat more.
Jinan Yuesao it comes to eat rich in vitamin, mineral and fiber foods. Green leafy vegetables such as spinach and white Levin, etc; fruits contain more vitamin C and pectin. Eat more fruits and vegetables Levin, helps prevent constipation.
Jinan Yuesao remind eat spinach and other cold, have a stimulating effect on the uterus of food, can not eat moldy food, Shensi nourishing food.