Jinan Yuesao introduce full observation only through the sense organs perceive external things and phenomena, constantly enrich the surrounding natural and social environment of the perceptual process to develop, many cultures observant way. Guide children to observe the daily life of a variety of items, pay attention to their discretionary shape, color, texture, structure, purpose, etc. Again, the use of children get toys demolition curiosity, not entropy buy some toys can be dismantled, while the demolition of the child's concept of training to get the edge strength. 5-6 after the age of children's intelligence has been developed to a certain level, then you can instruct them to observe a more complex phenomenon.
Jinan Yuesao Speaking memory is a very important factor in the intelligence structure. Good memory needs from an early age, it can be trained from the image memory, physical memory, digital note million and million words in mind several aspects of early childhood memories of great potential, over period of time should be fully utilized to make them more in mind a few hundred million useful materials, such as back poetry, English words, such as stories and sayings.
Jinan Yuesao remind children thinking skills training should be based on the specific image properties and the possibility of an initial abstraction. First train classification capabilities that foster the children able to follow the shape of things, the size, Yi color, sound, height, elbow empty, nature, purpose of the classification. The second is the ability to serialize culture that often let your child make some dip mix column object, according to its kind size, height, length, thickness, etc. order to develop the child's ability to pass sequence. Third is to develop the ability to compare, that guide the child made a similar point with similar things and different things at different points between the formation of the next higher level concepts under relatively stick foundation.
Jinan Yuesao recommend telling stories to children is a way to cultivate the imagination; let the children tell stories Lang also train route capacity up painting can serve as foster children's imagination and so perfect form.